CJGA Student Members can unlock their academic potential with
a 1 year SOLARO subscription for $50!

Use coupon code: CJGASTUDY2023

Canadian Junior Golf Association members will receive an exclusive discount for a SOLARO student account. Please enter your discount code at checkout to get the exclusive discount.

SOLARO (Student-Oriented Learning, Assessment & Reporting Online) is an easy-to-use, student self-directed online learning resource.

  • SOLARO augments your state or provincial curriculum in English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science for grades 3-12.

  • SOLARO offers students access to as many as 10 courses and includes lessons, quizzes, tests and study tools.

  • SOLARO is available on any desktop, laptop or mobile browser.

Sign up today for 12 months of access to Mathematics, Science and English Language Arts!

SOLARO Overview Video (46 sec.)