SOLARO For Libraries

Online homework help and study tools for all learners

  1. Latest figures reveal that the majority of school-aged children visit a library to access educational content, with 43% of the 12-17 age group using online tools. With SOLARO, libraries are able to grant continuous access to relevant educational content, fully aligned to the W.N.C.P. Standards for Math, and the provincial standards of British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario for English Language Arts and Science.

  2. The student’s profile, activities, reports, and history are captured in the system and are available even if there is a period of inactivity such as holidays or summer break. It is easy for clients to log in and start using SOLARO as their own personal supplemental educational resource.

  3. SOLARO is offered in print, online, and through Windows 8.1, Android, and iOS mobile platforms. Libraries are able to provide students with a resource they can use on the premises and continue to access around the clock from home or school.

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We always get requests from the libraries about more types of study guides for students, and of course Marigold and public libraries as a whole do not purchase textbooks… but we do provide resources that complement the curriculum... It’s very important for us to get the word out because I think it’s such an important and worthwhile resource that students will use at all ages.
— Laura Taylor, Assistant Director of Marigold Library System
SOLARO provides an impressive interface for students and parents within our branches. Many students do not have access to curriculum-based resources—their only way to do that is by visiting their local branch... We have been very happy and content with the addition of SOLARO to our repertoire.
— Peter Schoenberg, Edmonton Public Library